We will hold a free career consultation event for foreign residents in Japan. The objective of this is to introduce the role of career consultants and offer an opportunity for individuals of foreign nationality to discuss work-related concerns.
Such as future career, job changes, and more. Professional career consultants with English language skills will be available for consultations. Sessions are one-on-one and will be kept strictly confidential. If we receive a high number of applications, a lottery will be held to determine participation. We will notify you of your attendance status by October 6th.
We look forward to welcoming you there.
将来のキャリア、転職など、さまざまな相談ができる場です。英語力のあるプロのキャリアコンサルタントが相談に応じます。セッションは1対1で行われ、守秘義務は厳守されます。 応募多数の場合は抽選とさせていただきます。参加の可否は10月6日までにご連絡いたします。